Monday, May 25, 2020

Dialectical Journal 3 Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Ryan Sun Mrs. Penalora AP Language and Composition 26 August 2015 Dialectical Journal 3: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Quote Page #/ ¶ Explanation/Analysis 1. â€Å"And he said that handling a snakeskin was such awful bad luck that maybe we hadn’t got to the end of it yet. He said he druther see the new moon over his left shoulder as much as a thousand times than take up a snakeskin in his hand.† 2. â€Å"What did that poor old woman do to you that you could treat her so mean?...she tried to be good to you ever way she knowed how. That’s what she done. I got to feeling so mean and so miserable I most wished I was dead.† 3. â€Å"†¦he had†¦the blackest kind of eyes, sunk so deep back that they seemed like they was looking out of caverns at you†¦he put on a clean shirt and a full suit from head to foot made out of linen so white it hurt your eyes to look at it†¦Sometimes he†¦straightened himself up like a liberty-pole, and the lightning began to flicker from under his eyebrows.† 4. â€Å"‘Well, den, Miss Sophia’s run off! ‘deed she has. She run off in de night some time—nobody don’t know jis’ when; run off to get married to dat young Harney Shepherdson.† 5. â€Å"I’m blest if it don’t look to me like the truth is better and actuly safer than a lie†¦I’m a-going to chance it; I’ll up and tell the truth this time.† 6. â€Å"We swarmed along down the river road, just carrying on like wildcats; and to make it more scary the sky was darking up, and the lightning beginning to wink and flitter,Show MoreRelatedSummer Reading2774 Words   |  12 Pagesclass: Several grades will be given for the summer reading. ïÆ'Ëœ Dialectical response journals for each book (rubric attached). ïÆ'Ëœ Exams on the assigned novels within the first days of school. ïÆ'Ëœ In class essay questions on each of the novels. 9th Grade Regulars and Honors - Reading Assignment: 1. Fiction novel: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein *12 Dialectical Journal Entries 2. Nonfiction: A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins *12 Dialectical Journal Entries 10th Grade Regular and Honors - Reading Assignment:Read Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words   |  79 Pagesand wise ways of being and functioning.† Among the wise values he mentions that relate to perspective are creativity, serenity, humility, clarity about what is, empathy, insight, intuitive understanding, patience, reality, self-awareness, and truth.3 Another prominent wisdom researcher, Robert Sternberg, believes that â€Å"people are wise to the extent that they use their intelligence to seek a common good. They do so by balancing, in their courses of action, their own interests with those of others

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