Thursday, December 26, 2019

Homelessness Is A Major Social Crisis Essay - 1505 Words

San Francisco has a homelessness problem, yet that problem can be solved. The problem of homelessness in San Francisco can be observed by taking a stroll through an area such as the Tenderloin District or Haight Ashbury. In these places, homeless people are plentiful, yet they are almost always overlooked by the other San Franciscans who use those areas to work and play. Providing permanent housing (as opposed to places at shelters) to chronically homeless people has been proven to be an efficient method of combatting homelessness. I propose that San Francisco introduce a voluntary 10-cent tax on coffee, as a way of raising money to provide services to homeless people within permanent housing, and simultaneously raise awareness about the housing disparity within San Francisco. Homelessness is a major social crisis in the United States of America. From 2014 to 2015, homelessness in America increased by 2 percent. The major sub-populations which comprise homeless people in America are unsheltered persons, families, chronically homeless people, and veterans (National Alliance to End Homelessness 3). In America, 15 percent of homeless people are defined as being chronically homeless, while 2 percent of homeless families are chronically homeless (ibid. 7). A person is defined as chronically homeless by the United States Government if they have been continually homeless for a year or more, or have experienced more than twelve months of homelessness in the last three years (OfficeShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Within The Australian Society1215 Words   |  5 PagesA Social Analysis – Homelessness There are a growing number of social problems existing within the Australian society and unfortunately, research does not need to prove this. All it takes is a stroll down the main street of some suburbs to realise the extent of social problems within society. Homelessness is a rising trend that is affecting people of all demographics. Homelessness is more than just a simple disadvantage; with usually many underpinning factors which contribute to it, such as domesticRead MoreThe Social Issues of Homelessness Essay examples1432 Words   |  6 PagesSociology 2, Social Issues Problems Section 80528 November 24, 2008 The Social Issue of Homelessness Homelessness has always been a major social issue for cities across the nation but in recent years it is reached astonishing proportions. In this essay I will try to summarize ten recently published articles and each of the authors view of homelessness. First I will discuss some of their opinions of the causes of the recent increase of homelessness and who or what is to blame. Next we willRead MoreHomelessness is Everyones Problem888 Words   |  3 PagesHomelessness in United States is a dangerous problem that requires everyone’s contemplation and co-operation. Thousands of people are forced to live in the streets, parks, and in shelters since they lack a place of their own to live. For a long period, in United States homelessness has been a serious and an unsolved problem. National Law Center of Homelessness and Poverty reports that homeless population in United States is estimated around 3.5 million, but on the other hand there are nearly 18.6Read MoreThe Plan For Eradicat ing Homelessness1203 Words   |  5 Pageshousing services, funding dedicated to eradicating homelessness in Seattle should go towards increasing the availability and accessibility of supportive services such as substance abuse and mental health programs. In 2005, The Committee to End Homelessness in King County (CEHKC) began its implementation of â€Å"A Roof Over Every Bed in King County: Our Community s Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness. This plan outlined strategies to end and prevent homelessness with a focus on increasing permanent housingRead MoreHomelessness : Extreme Poverty And The Urban Housing Crisis913 Words   |  4 PagesHomelessness has affected many individuals throughout the United States and the world. On, 2014 the National Alliance to End Homelessness collected that â€Å"578,424 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States (â€Å"Snapshot of Homelessness). Most individuals believe that more individuals are single, but â€Å"216, 197 are people in families,† and â€Å"362,163 are individuals,† (â€Å"Snapshot of Homelessness). Homelessness affects everyone, from families to individuals and veterans. In theRead MoreHomelessness Is A Major Issue Essay1428 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Homelessness is a major issue in Edinburgh (Torrie, 2014). Progress has been made (Gordon, 2015), but we can do far better. It is possible to completely end chronic homelessness. How? The answer is surprisingly straightforward: put housing first. But homelessness will not end as long as our goal is merely to manage homelessness, rather than eradicate it. This brief will explore approaches to ending homelessness, and their successes and potential drawbacks. It will be concluded basedRead MoreEssay On The Decision To Leave The Ireland1035 Words   |  5 Pagesthis, Irelands present housing crisis has the ability to become the biggest constraint on Irelands economic growth. In fact, the housing crisis in Ireland is so crippling it could result in the loss of these multinational organisations coming from the UK following the wake of Brexit (The Irish Times). Multinational firms will tend to cluster around city-regions due to their high volume of highly skilled labour and good transport networks. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We Must Ban Public Smoking Now Essay - 1884 Words

â€Å"Smoking has become so nearly universal among men, the few nonsmokers are practically ignored and their rights trampled upon† (John Harvey Kellogg, Hirschfelder 146) An occurrence that happens daily for many people is choking on a cloud of smoke, tasting and smelling its acidic tobacco as it swirls through their lungs. Smoking in public has been an issue that has plagued America for many decades, so commonplace by this point that it has become part of everyday life for millions of people. Secondhand smoke, also known as sidestream smoke or environmental tobacco smoke, contains many chemical contaminants and is potentially deadly to all who inhale it. Yet, it has often times failed to be regarded by lawmakers as a considerable threat to the†¦show more content†¦While the Smoke Free Arizona Act places definite restrictions on public smoking, it is not making enough progress in order to eliminate the problem altogether. The most prevalent issue with the lack of full restriction on public smoking is that there continues to be multiple ways for the unsuspecting passerby to be bombarded by secondhand smoke. The hypothetical areas that are meant to separate those who would like to smoke from the rest of the general public are not enough to sufficiently restrain the contaminants from leaking into the surrounding air. The designated 20 foot radius that separates smoking areas from nonsmokers by no means guarantees absolute protection. The California Air Resources Board classifies secondhand smoke as a â€Å"toxic air contaminant† that â€Å"can also travel about 20 feet in every direction and may stay around for hours† (Secondhand Smoke). If smokers so much as move slightly away from their designated areas, all those going about their daily routine will be subjected to the deadly toxins. The casual smoker does not necessarily adhere to the exact perimeter of designated smoking areas, either. There is no reason why others should be forced to breathe contaminated air merely to allow smokers to feed their habit more frequently. Although it is a person’s choice whether or not they would like toShow MoreRelatedSmoking Banning Public Areas Yield Positive Effects For All1211 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking Bans in Public Areas Yield Positive Effects For All One of the major reasons for death and preventable diseases is tobacco use. Just in the United States of America, smoking has found to be the cause of â€Å"over 40,000 deaths due to heart disease and over 200,000 episodes of childhood asthma per year† (Naiman et al 1). Some of these cases could be specifically linked to secondhand smoke, â€Å"defined as an involuntary exposure to a combination of diluted cigarette side stream smoke and the exhaledRead MoreCigarette Smoking around the World Essay1567 Words   |  7 Pagesmore than AIDS, alcohol, drugs, abuse, car accidents, murders, suicides, and fires COMBINED (â€Å"Cigarette Smoking† 2). Scary, isnt it? That even though cigarettes can cause that many deaths, people still smoke them? Cigarette smoking is a serious problem in the United States. Especially when it is done in public. Public smoking should be banned because it is a hazard to the people around. Smoking comes with many problems. Not only for the smoker, but for the nonsmokers who are exposed to the smokeRead MoreThe Negative Consequences Of Public Smoking1347 Words   |  6 PagesThe Negative Consequences of Public Smoking Smoking is known to be one of the most dangerous medicine and can come with some seriously negative to one’s lungs. Research studies have shown that second- hand smoking can be equally as bad. According to the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, â€Å"2.5 million adults who were nonsmokers died because they breathed secondhand smoke† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). To those who own restaurants, oversee public places, and others in charge of entertainmentRead MoreShould Smoking Be Legal?1706 Words   |  7 PagesSmoking tobacco has been in existence for thousands of years. For most of its existence smoking has been acceptable, tolerable, and permitted in our mainstream society. In recent years, smoking tobacco has been under scrutiny. Smoking bans have been introduced to restrict smokers from smoking in public and private places. For example, restaurants, bars, hotels, parks, and beaches throughout the United States have established the bans against p ublic smoking. I discovered this has significance as itRead MoreTobacco Is A Common Pleasure Among Millions Of Americans1515 Words   |  7 Pagesand people either support it or disapprove of it. Smoking is a personal choice, and we need to accept that adults can decide to harm themselves (hypothetically) to some degree as long as there not harming another person. We also need to stop criticizing people about the decisions others choose to make, so long as you don’t choose to do it, it shouldn’t be a problem if someone decides differently. I believe at this point it would be impossible to ban tobacco use in the United States because tobaccoRead MoreShould Smoking Be Legal?995 Words   |  4 PagesWhether or not most people realise, the question of banning cigarette smoking in the workplace balances on a blade that could sever a noose tied around the necks of 20,000, or sever a major artery keeping society operating. Whether you believe smoking bans are a slippery slo pe to a nanny state or the first priority to preventing needless deaths, there are important things to know about both sides of the argument. Tobacco smoking is unquestionably a large problem. In Australia, 1034 cigarettes perRead MoreThe Ban Of Tobacco Product Advertising947 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many good reasons to quit smoking but smoking always my choice. I have seen many different regulations applied and experienced the pressures of graphic pictures on packs of cigarettes that are designed to influence your desire to quit personally. Is it ethically okay to ban smoking advertising? Supporting the Ban There are easily many reasons to support the banning of advertisement of tobacco products. The obvious reasons can be the smell, the public health risk, and simple things likeRead MoreFree to Choose, Free to Kill? Analyzing the Smoking Habit in USA1727 Words   |  7 Pageskill? Ah, smoking in America. After all these years, I still dont seem to understand how and why smoking is legal in public. Its an issue people love to talk about but never want to see a change in. I dont think it is possible that people dont know of passive smoking, which couldve been an explanation for their behavior, but since thats not possible, lets just say theyre freedom fighters for a lost cause. And whats the cause? Their fight to continue being allowed to smoke in public and thereforeRead MoreIt is common knowledge now that smoking is bad, so we should not do it, right? Not necessarily,1400 Words   |  6 PagesIt is common knowledge now that smoking is bad, so we should not do it, right? Not necessarily, there are many things that are bad for us but we still do them anyways such as eating fast food. Everyone knows anything that has been deep fried is horrible for your health but we still do it because we like it, and the same goes for smoking. Like other things, smoking can be acceptable in moderation. But some may question this because smoking not only hurts the one smoking, but others around them. ThereRead MoreThe Effects Of Tobacco Smoking On The Australian Community753 Words   |  4 Pages1.0 Introduction In Australia, tobacco smoking is one of the main leading causes of death and disability.1 Smoking is also one of the single major preventable conditions and is the main causes of disease burden in comparison to other major risk factors.1,2 Use of tobacco voluntarily or involuntary (passive smoking) has been associated with various chronic, life threatening and debilitating conditions such as heart disease, reduced lung function, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Symbolism In Chaim Potok free essay sample

# 8217 ; s The Chosen Essay, Research Paper Jeremy Leavitt Chaim Potok uses symbolism in The Chosen many different ways. One thing thatis symbolic in his book is the mention to the right and left sides of things. Throughoutthe book this is used to demo what the characters are like. First Potok illustrates the pointwhen Reuven # 8217 ; s left oculus is cut during the baseball game. It is used once more at the infirmary. Danny and his male parent besides illustrate the right and left manus symbolism. When Danny hit the ball at Reuven, it hit him in the left oculus. When Reuven was inthe infirmary unusual things happened to him on the lift. # 8220 ; It looked blurred, and I saw it alter colour from white to red to black, so back to white. # 8221 ; Reuven must hold seen things in a different visible radiation without the full usage of his left oculus, whichexplains why the fluorescent visible radiations in the lift changed the manner they did. WhenReuven woke up in the infirmary he could merely see through his right oculus and the windowshe looked at were blurred. More of the symbolism comes out as Reuven begins to familiarise himself with thesurroundings of the infirmary. Reuven met Tony Savo, on the bed to his left. Mr. Savowas a gladiator, and had been clopped plenty to acquire him to the infirmary. Mr. Savo # 8217 ; sright oculus had a spot on it. Mr. Savo says that the universe is brainsick and askew. He tellsReuven to watch out for himself because the universe is cockeyed. Because Mr. Savo onlyviews the universe through his left oculus it appears cockeyed. The symbolism in this shows leftto be worldly and cautious. To Reuven # 8217 ; s right side is Billy. Billy is blind. He is a little, delicate looking boywhich portrays the artlessness he has. Because Billy can # 8217 ; t see out of either oculus he doesn # 8217 ; tknow of the universe and is non affected by it. The symbolism portrayed here shows that theright is associated with artlessness and good. When Danny comes to see Reuven in the infirmary, the two of them leave to gotalk in the hall. Danny begins to play with his right earlock utilizing his right manus. Heseemed to be really absorbed in something, so he noticed that he was making it and he discontinue. # 8220 ; It # 8217 ; s funny, # 8221 ; he said. # 8220 ; It # 8217 ; s truly amusing. I have to be a rabbi and Don # 8217 ; t want to be one, you don # 8217 ; Ts have to be a rabbi and do desire to be one. It # 8217 ; s a brainsick world. # 8221 ; Here Danny is exemplifying his desire to larn of the universe, but he is restricted because ofhis spiritual duties, the right things to make. Danny told Reuven how he surveies Talmud and that he has a photographicmemory. He besides told Reuven about taking trips to the library in secret to larn aboutpsychology and non anger his male parent vastly. Danny # 8217 ; s universe is wholly of the rightside, isolated in his Hasidic com munity, with the force per unit areas of going the following tzaddik. Danny wants to spread out his cognition by analyzing psychological science and other things notassociated with Talmud, or left sided things. When Reuven was let out of the infirmary, he was allowed to utilize his spectacless, but hewas non allowed to read. # 8220 ; The universe jumped into focal point and everything looked all of a sudden bright and fresh and clean, as it does on an early forenoon with the Sun on the trees, and at that place was a newness everyplace, a feeling that I had been off a long clip in a dark topographic point and was now returning place to sunlight. # 8221 ; Reuven was deprived of the sight in his left oculus and couldn # 8217 ; t see the universe in the rightlight, he lost the balance necessary to see the universe decently. Once out of the hospitalhe could see, but wasn # 8217 ; t able to read, which still shut him off from the universe. After beingshut away from the universe for a hebdomad, Reuven noticed things he hadn # 8217 ; T before. # 8220 ; The hydrangea shrub # 8211 ; or snowball shrub, as we called it # 8211 ; on our lawn glowed in gt ; the sunshine and I stared at it. I had neer truly paid attending to it before. Now it seemed all of a sudden aglow and alive. # 8221 ; This shows how Reuven has realized for himself that the accident had brought about achange in him. When Reuven went to his temple he saw his fellow schoolmates, and he thoughtabout what it would be like to be blind, Reuven couldn # 8217 ; t grok it. After the servicesReuven was gazing at the sky and noticed the blue. It was the same colour as Danny # 8217 ; seyes, which were the same colour as the guiltless small Billy # 8217 ; s eyes. Danny is beingassociated to the small male child to the right of Reuven in the Hospital. When Reuven went to Danny # 8217 ; s temple, Danny # 8217 ; s younger brother sat to hisfather # 8217 ; s left and Danny and Reuven to the right. This may hold been because Danny wasnext in line to go tzaddik and his small brother was hence inferior to him which isthe ground he sat to the left of Reb Saunders and Danny sat to the right. Like the Saunders brothers, When Reuven went to Danny # 8217 ; s house to hold Talmudwars he would sit to the left of Reb Saunders and Danny would sit to the right. This issymbolic of how Reb Saunders knows that Danny is favored more and is more religiousthan Reuven, non a Hasid. One twenty-four hours Reuven received a phone call from Billy # 8217 ; s male parent. Reuven asked him ifBilly # 8217 ; s operation went good and Billy # 8217 ; s male parent said that it had non. Reuven so asked if hecould visit Billy, and Billy # 8217 ; s pa said that he had moved off. Reuven suddenlyremembered Mr. Savo and the loony, askew universe. Out of Reuven # 8217 ; s left oculus he saw afly trapped by a spider on a web. This is symbolic of Billy # 8217 ; s state of affairs. Billy was trappedby his sightlessness, and when person attempted to change his sightlessness it didn # 8217 ; t work and hemoved off. Just like Billy the fly was trapped and Reuven blew the web off and thefly disappeared. This is besides symbolic of Danny # 8217 ; s state of affairs. Danny is trapped by his male parent and thefact that he will someday hold to take over as tzaddik. But when Danny alters hissituation by analyzing psychological science and traveling to college he disappears as a Hasidic tzaddikand becomes a tzaddik to the universe and a follower of the commandments. Besides Danny # 8217 ; seyesight grows worse and worse as he studied psychological science and the spectacless he used hadlittle affect. He may hold been traveling blind, closer to the right like Billy, and non the leftafter all. This symbolism can besides assist to depict Reb Saunders state of affairs. Reb Saunders istrapped by his boy # 8217 ; s superb head. When he tries to alter his boy by raising him insilence he loses his boy. Possibly Danny lived his life sing the universe through his right oculus merely and nowhe is get downing to reconstruct the balance so that he can see things in a new visi ble radiation. # 8220 ; Danny nodded, his eyes glowing, luminous. # 8221 ; Danny # 8217 ; s eyes are described precisely the same manner as the sweet sand verbena shrub in Reuven # 8217 ; s frontyard. This evidently represents the fact that Danny is now seeing things he had non seenbefore. And he was being seen as neer seen before, with no face fungus or earlocks. In decision, Reuven may hold been illustrated at the left for more than onereason. The left provides balance for the right, an resistance. Danny was chosen as anopposition to his male parent and Reuven was chosen as an resistance to them both. Reuven atthe left helped Reb Saunders understand why his boy was making the things he was. Theright represents life devoted to one thing, in Reb Saunders instance Talmud, and the leftrepresents the worldly things such as Freud and deductive logic, which includes the rightbut besides has a balance. Possibly this is the major difference between the Hasids and theapikorism. Although they have harsh differences they need each other to last. 351 ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;

Monday, December 2, 2019

Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation

Table of Contents Introduction Indicators of Project Failure in the Case study Conclusion and Recommendations Reference List Introduction In an effort to improve the efficiency of healthcare services, health care organizations engage in the development of new IT projects. The IT projects help to promote organizational performance and provide means through which an organization can achieve its goals. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The management of the organization plays a vital role in project planning and implementation and in effecting the organizational change to enhance the use of the new technologies. To achieve successful implementation of IT projects, project managers ensure that projects fall within the projected budget and schedule according to the initial plan. IT project failures arise when the budget and timeline differ with the intended budget and schedule. In the case study, ‘Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation’, a combination of poor management decisions contributed to the project failure. Indicators of Project Failure in the Case study In the case study, the CPOE project initiative lacked clarity of purpose from the outset. The objectives and purpose of the project were not set out clearly (Wager, Lee, Glaser, 2009, p.397). The main objective of the CPOE project was to minimize the rate of medical errors by providing a computer-based system for doctors to administer prescriptions. However, it was not clear to the health system stakeholders including the community-based independent health care providers regarding how the new system would reduce their workload while at the same time minimize the rate of medical errors as opposed to the manual system. The stakeholders felt that the new system would turn out to be expensive and time consuming. Another indicator that contribut ed to the failure of the CPOE project initiative was the lack of sufficient leadership support for the project. Although the first CEO, Fred Dyer, and the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Joe Roberts, supported the project initiative, the interim CEO, Barbara Liu, opposed the project prior to his appointment. Liu lacked of commitment and had reservations about the utility of the initiative. However, he was forced to spearhead the implementation of the project initiative by the board members who felt that terminating the initiative would bring substantial financial loss. Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lack of leadership support also becomes evident when Liu appointed an opponent of the initiative, Dr. Sparks, as the new CIO, who delegated the oversight role to Sally Martin. He then refused to adopt Martin’s recommendations meant to ensure project success, showing his lack of commitm ent to the project initiative. In the case study, the health system’s stakeholders and the health care providers were opposed to organizational change. The organizational inertia exhibited by the stakeholders and providers contributed to failure of the CPOE project initiative. During the proposal and evaluation of the CPOE project initiative, most health stakeholders opposed it for fear that it would increase their workload. Even after its approval, many prominent physicians transferred their services to other health systems that could not implement the CPOE system. The efforts of the proponents of the project including the CEO, Fred Dyer, could not produce intended results because majority of the stakeholders resisted the new changes. The organizational inertia increased resistance to new changes contributing to the CPOE project failure. Project complexity also contributed to the failure of the CPOE project initiative. The management lacked a full understanding of the scope and complexity of the project in terms of resources and timelines required. To promote the CPOE approval, Dyer and Roberts, presented an exaggerated implementation timeline, which to some board members was unrealistic. Later, Martin, the project manager, presented a new budgetary changes including $500,000 integration software that was not included in the initial budget. In addition, the CPOE project fell behind schedule as it failed to meet the 18-month initial schedule. The complexity and scope of the project overwhelmed the organization and called for the budget and timelines to be revised contributing to the project failure. The organizational environment in the case study prevented healthy debate and exchange of ideas contributing to the failure of the CPOE initiative. The stakeholders and the healthcare providers were not consulted prior to the implementation of the project. Those opposed had to seek an alternative way of voicing their opinion; for instance, prominent physi cians transferred their services to other health systems. Lack of candor is also evident when the CIO, Dr. Sparks, instructed the project manager, Martin, to report positively about the project progress despite the logistical challenges thus contributing to the project failure.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion and Recommendations To promote the success of the CPOE project, I would have clarified the purpose of the CPOE initiative including its benefits like how the new system would minimize medical errors and reduce their workload. This clarity would increase the support for the project, as the stakeholders would understand its benefits. In addition, to ensure success of the project, I would have ensured that only qualified and committed project manager and CIO headed the undertaking. Committed leadership would make important decisions to ensure that the initiative is successful. To overcome organizational inertia, I would recommend training programs to enlighten the stakeholders on the necessity of the new technological changes prior to implementation for majority of people oppose change for lack of knowledge (Kerzner, 2004, p.28). I would also recommend that the project be implemented in different phases each with a realistic timeline and sufficient resources to ensure that the implementation runs to completion. Organizational culture of candor through free communication between project managers and the leadership could help promote success of the project. Reference List Kerzner, H. (2004). Advanced Project Management: Best Practices on Implementation. San Francisco: John Wiley sons Inc. Wager, K., Lee, F., Glaser, J. (2009). Health Care Information Systems: A practical Approach for Health Care Management. San Francisco: John Wiley Sons Inc.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation was written and submitted by user Lilly Whitley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Plato Vs Aristotle

Numerous experts in modern time regard Plato as the first genuine political philosopher and Aristotle as the first political scientist. They were both great thinkers in regards to, in part with Socrates, being the foundation of the great western philosophers. Plato and Aristotle each had ideas in how to proceed with improving the society in which they were part of during their existence. It is necessary therefore to analyze their different theoretical approaches regarding their philosophical perspectives, such as ethics and psychology. This paper however will mainly concentrate on Aristotle’s views on friendship and how it impacts today’s society. The main objective in Plato’s philosophy is a creation of a perfect society. He constructs a foundation for a utopian society in his book â€Å"The Republic†. The purpose of his thought process was to cleanse his society of the woes he felt plagued it and construct a new one. Plato lived during the Peloponnesian War, which consequently lead to the end of the Athenian democracy. He had eyewitness account of his mentor’s (Socrates) trial and execution. Bitter and angered by the political corruption that gripped the Athenian democratic government, he disengaged from participating in politics. He strongly felt that neither a moral individual nor a state that is rational could be established in a democratic environment. Plato felt that the common man wasn’t intelligent or capable of dealing with concepts that influence the state such as economics, policy of foreign affairs and other relative matters. He viewed political incumbents in Athens government as being elected for matters that were irrelevant to main factors that affected the state. Another danger was that excessive liberty for the people of the democratic society could potentially lead to anarchy. In Plato’s perfect society, he forged ahead to eliminate the disease (pluralism of f riendship) that plagued the human character a... Free Essays on Plato Vs Aristotle Free Essays on Plato Vs Aristotle Numerous experts in modern time regard Plato as the first genuine political philosopher and Aristotle as the first political scientist. They were both great thinkers in regards to, in part with Socrates, being the foundation of the great western philosophers. Plato and Aristotle each had ideas in how to proceed with improving the society in which they were part of during their existence. It is necessary therefore to analyze their different theoretical approaches regarding their philosophical perspectives, such as ethics and psychology. This paper however will mainly concentrate on Aristotle’s views on friendship and how it impacts today’s society. The main objective in Plato’s philosophy is a creation of a perfect society. He constructs a foundation for a utopian society in his book â€Å"The Republic†. The purpose of his thought process was to cleanse his society of the woes he felt plagued it and construct a new one. Plato lived during the Peloponnesian War, which consequently lead to the end of the Athenian democracy. He had eyewitness account of his mentor’s (Socrates) trial and execution. Bitter and angered by the political corruption that gripped the Athenian democratic government, he disengaged from participating in politics. He strongly felt that neither a moral individual nor a state that is rational could be established in a democratic environment. Plato felt that the common man wasn’t intelligent or capable of dealing with concepts that influence the state such as economics, policy of foreign affairs and other relative matters. He viewed political incumbents in Athens government as being elected for matters that were irrelevant to main factors that affected the state. Another danger was that excessive liberty for the people of the democratic society could potentially lead to anarchy. In Plato’s perfect society, he forged ahead to eliminate the disease (pluralism of f riendship) that plagued the human character a...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on La Plume

La plume J’te donne la plume pour qu’tu dessines La plus belle ville que t’aies connue Le plus bel hymne que t’ai voulu J’te donne la plume moi j’en veux plus J’te donne la plume pour savoir vivre Parler, à ©crire et danser Pour reste ivre bien à ©veillà © J’te donne la plume et mes conneries Garde les Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant J’te donne la plume pour que t’inscrives Perpà ©tuellement la vie construire Ce mouvement si dur J’te donne la plume Moi j’en veux plus Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant... Free Essays on La Plume Free Essays on La Plume La plume J’te donne la plume pour qu’tu dessines La plus belle ville que t’aies connue Le plus bel hymne que t’ai voulu J’te donne la plume moi j’en veux plus J’te donne la plume pour savoir vivre Parler, à ©crire et danser Pour reste ivre bien à ©veillà © J’te donne la plume et mes conneries Garde les Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant J’te donne la plume pour que t’inscrives Perpà ©tuellement la vie construire Ce mouvement si dur J’te donne la plume Moi j’en veux plus Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review Assignment Resume & Cover Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Review Assignment Resume & Cover Letter - Essay Example So as to uniquely format the resume, the dates on the right should line up and proper space between each line. On the other hand, the resume needs to address the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant, especially on the self-employed work experience section. Due to less experience, the self-employed section should include Information Technology skills and other skills required by the job advert. Furthermore, the Cover Letter required some changes in the introduction and conclusion parts. The introduction section should explain the purpose and skills attained to fit in the position advertised. The cover letter needs to contain some more technical skills related to the job advertised. Also, the conclusion section needs to stress visions and strengths associated with the acquired skills. Hence, the needed expertise should add value to the company. Without any doubt, the two documents need some revision. The mentioned changes would make both the Resume and the Cover Letter to appeal to the eyes of the hiring managers. Such changes would help the hiring managers to associate the experience and skills needed in the job position. Besides, the documents would convey a clear message to the recruitment panel hence eliminating any doubts and uncertainties. According to the instructor’s feedback, the two documents required some revision. The revised sections would communicate well to the hiring team. Therefore, the revised document conveyed the required skills for the job